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The Pre-School Committee

The committee is vital to the smooth running of the Pre-School.  We hold termly meetings and being on the committee gives all parents involved an insight into behind the scenes of Pre-School. The following positions and current committee members are:


Chair – Tamaryn Long​

Secretary – Deirdre Murphy

Treasurer – Michelle Scarsbrook

Pre-School and After School Club Fees Secretary - Sharon Thompson

Committee Members – Chelsea Creffield, Christine De Beer, Sandra Curtis 


Why not join the Pre-school Committee?


At Sunningdale Pre-School we actively encourage parents to become involved in Pre-school life. One way in which you can do this is by joining the Pre-School Committee


As a registered charity Sunningdale Pre-School is managed by a committee of parent/carer volunteers. The word ‘Committee’ can sound off putting, but we are really just a group of parents with a little time to give to Pre-School. It’s not a huge commitment and you can volunteer for whatever role interests you most, either using the skills you already have or developing new ones you could add to your CV!


In a Nutshell:

The committee works hand in hand with Sharon, the Pre-School Manager, and staff, to ensure the smooth running of the Pre-School. We hold half-termly meetings to plan fundraising events, check the budget remains on track and ensure that the needs of all children and staff are being met. It’s a great way to get to know the staff better and to meet other parents over a cup of tea (or occasionally a glass of wine!).

Not only is being part of the committee a truly valuable role, it is also hugely rewarding and great fun. It gives you a real insight into what goes on behind the scenes at Pre-School as well as the opportunity to have a genuine impact on your child’s early year’s education.


How it works:

Usually you join the committee for a minimum of a year though many people choose to stay on for longer.In September we hold our AGM where volunteers for any vacancies are sought. The committee requires at least 6 members and a maximum of 12 though there are always opportunities for non-committee members to get involved.


Committee Roles:

The Chairperson is the main point of contact for committee members, staff and external bodies but your main role is to support the Pre-School manager, which you will form a close relationship with. The role is fantastically varied, offering you the opportunity to get involved in everything from staff recruitment and appraisals, to policy development and fundraising projects. At committee meetings you will be responsible for setting the agenda and co-ordinating roles in any plans that are made. You will also keep confidential records of terms and conditions of employment etc up to date.  No experience is necessary and you should never feel overwhelmed, as there are always plenty of existing/former committee members and staff on hand to answer questions and offer support.


Vice Chairperson: assists Chair in the running of the Pre-school and would stand in for the Chair in the event of absence.


Treasurer: The treasurer has excel and accounting experience and deals with all accounting, budgeting and reconciliation of accounts, producing the accounts for audit at the end of the academic year, i.e. 31st August.  


Secretary:  responsible for taking the minutes at the committee meetings, distributing the minutes and any other relevant information to committee members.  


Fundraisers:  Our fundraisers do an amazing job co-ordinating fundraising and social events (including our famous quiz night) each term.  This is a fun and rewarding role that directly benefits your children as all funds raised are spent on toys and equipment for the Pre-school.  Publicity, gift gathering and events co-ordination are some of the things you will have chance to be involved in.


Non elected members: if you want to be part of the fundraising events and other Pre-school functions without being committed to a post, please put your name forward for you to be called upon by the fundraising co-ordinator.

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