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Little Tots
Sunningdale Pre-School, Village Hall, Church Road, Sunningdale, Berkshire, SL5 0NJ.
Tel: 01344 623331 Email:
Our Pre-School Curriculum
We are a dedicated team of staff whose priority is to care for, nurture and support all children and their families. We will build strong relationships with all our families, which will in turn support their children to feel safe and secure at Pre-School.
We will encourage and support all children to make friends and build relationships with both their peers and adults at Pre-School. We will endeavour for all children to have a high self esteem and to feel confident in any situation. Yoga has been a growing part of our Pre-School routine and has supported our children with developing their self regulation, calmness and well being.
We will support all children with their communication and language development; encouraging them to speak confidently, to listen attentively and with interest and to use their imagination. Storytelling is a regular routine at Pre-School; we encourage all children to engage in stories, as well as telling their own stories through role play, puppets, dressing up, singing and dancing.
Children will be able to manage themselves independently; going to the toilet and washing their hands. They will be able to be independent in managing simple routines like putting their coat and shoes on, dressing up, hanging up their coat and bags and managing their lunch routine. Activities will support their gross motor skills which will ultimately then develop their writing skills (needing those gross motors to sit and write effectively). We will develop childrens understanding of managing risk, as well as understanding and need for healthy choices when eating and the need for good dental hygiene.
We will provide opportunities and activities for all children to development a positive attitude in maths through their own interests, to have a go and enjoy their math experiences. We will ensure childrens math development is well embedded, repeating their learning opportunities and developing a deep understanding of low numbers.
We will be interested in all children's lives outside of Pre-School and encourage children to talk about their home life, recognising the difference between theirs and others lives. We will embrace different festivals, acknowledging cultural capital and instil British Values into our setting. We will develop in all children a love for the natural world around them; ensuring all children get the opportunity to visit our Forest School, as well as visits to the other places within the community (Library, allotments, local church), enriching and widening their vocabulary.
We will encourage all children to express themselves in a variety of ways; through music and dance, art and crafts and different media to explore and experiment with, ensuring they have a lots of quality experiences.
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